Books by Laura McGee Kvasnosky
Programs and Workshops for Schools

Our Own Stories Powerpoint program – All grades, any size group, 50 minutes. Our lives are full of stories. Using my own projects to illustrate, I talk about where to get ideas for stories and how to develop them. I encourage students to see the stories in their own lives. Also includes the technical side of creating a book (text, thumbnails, feedback from writer's group and editors, dummies, final art, proofs).

Memory Book workshop – All grades, up to 50 students, 50 minutes. Following the group demonstration, each participant illustrates a six-page book based on a memory. Includes discussion of illustration techniques and attributes of the rising dramatic arc of a good story.

Create a Character workshop – For grades 3 and up, in groups up to 50, 50 minutes. We create a character as a group, following a series of questions and stopping along the way to learn from drawing, too. Students see that as the character becomes clear, a story begins to suggest itself. Students are then given the list of questions and allowed 15 minutes to create their own characters. A few characters are introduced and the group talks about the possible stories that might follow.

Book Illustration workshop – Grade 2 and up, small groups, 50 minutes. A hands-on demonstration of gouache resist, the medium used to illustrate Zelda and Ivy and Frank and Izzy Set Sail. Additional $50 supply fee.

Drawing on Family Stories evening programClick here to read more about this special program.

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